Since 1957 The Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (MFPA) has grown worldwide with over 750 artists, representing 72 countries. We are an international organisation controlled by its artist members, which gives disabled people the opportunity to attain self-respect, creative fulfillment and independent financial security.
Beryl Hanlon
Beryl has cerebral palsy and has been interested in art since she was a child.
Beryl was improving her mouth painting techniques at art school when a teacher encouraged her to approach MFPA and as a result, she became a student member in 1979.
Portraits are Beryl’s favourite subject, and she lives in the western suburbs of Sydney.

Gary Atkins
Gary gets most of his inspiration from photographs or pictures and enjoys painting landscapes. He was encouraged to try mouth-painting by an occupational therapist, while convalescing in hospital after a diving accident left him a quadriplegic.
Initially Gary experimented with black & white sketches and moved on to oils three years later. He was awarded a MFPA Student Membership in 1981.

Patricia Jackson
I love life, even though I live in constant pain because feet are not meant to be hands, all my life my feet have been my hands. Everything you do with your hands, I do with my feet.
I have hobbies just like everyone else fishing, swimming, sailing, I have even tried my foot at glass blowing and indoor skydiving. I have been up in a glider and helicopter. I love photography and I have won many awards for my photos.

Pamela Farey
Mouth painting became Pam’s new hobby after she was no longer able to play sport due to her physical condition. Pam suffers from a rare neurological disease known as polyneuropathy which is a peripheral nerve disorder, and it is believed that the immune system attacks the nerves. In Pam’s case, this auto-immune disease has damaged the motor nerves in her arms and legs.

Geoff Dossetor
My name is Geoff Dossetor. I was born in 1967 in Melbourne and lived there until completing my education. Throughout secondary school I was particularly interested in sport and graphic design. I decided to pursue my love of sport and eventually graduated from university with studies in Physical Education and teaching.

Bernadette Barry
Bernadette Maureen Barry was born on 23 July 1960. She was born with greatly shortened arms because her mother had taken the drug thalidomide during pregnancy. Her sense of hearing and her heart were also seriously affected. She uses her feet and mouth for all the activities in her daily life. She grew up as the middle child of 5 siblings. As a child she spent a lot of time in hospital. When Bernadette was 11 years old, her parents bought her some oil paints, and she greatly enjoyed painting.